Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Belated Birthday for my beloved MOM!! (I posted it everywhere, late 1 day.. X_X)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Anime Journal: Music is My Escape

I got a few problems I really wish to forget and if I can turn back time, I'd LOVE to avoid creating those problems. All of the problems are mostly because of me, HA HA! Music really did help me get up from the negativity caused by my problems! Now, I'm completely unaffected! Or.. maybe sometimes, but it just stings a little and I hit it away! So, music is REALLY one way to escape something!

I made 2 versions from the current theme: Sketch and um.. What do you call a drawing but made on a netbook again??

1) Sketch

I made this at school (obvious) since I was bored and I felt like drawing this..

It says: Music is My Escape (sorry for thin writing)

2) Digital Art (I finally remembered what it was called!!!)
Same person, same message, different pose, colored (>.<)

I think I've improved! :D