Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Anime Journal: School and Inspiration

This time, it's a sketch. I'm not drawing it on my laptop. (If you can draw anime, please help me if I make a mistake...)

1. Inspiration (I drew this at home)

My inspiration was on friendship.. Whenever one of us is feeling down.. *get's hit in the head by my phone* Alright... Who threw my phone?

2. School

Well, this is gonna get interesting..

This is dedicated to my dear math teacher for giving me math problems that I HAVEN'T LEARN YET
So... I drew this at school, after math. I really did pour out my emotions didn't I?

My um.. Sketch? Of one of my previous characters... When she's still young, and I changed her eyes.. I think it's weird... Big head, small body?? And I tried to make it realistic... Hmm... What about I name this Giant Realistic Small Bodied Girl?? Nah, I don't think so..

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